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Let’s Get to Work!

BostonCAN is answering the call from to join a Global Work Party on October 10th, 2010 — 10/10/10 — to show what we’re doing in our local communities to build a clean energy future and to tell our leaders to get to work on policies that will address climate change and climate justice and create green jobs with pathways out of poverty. We’re planning a “Walk and Work: Energy Efficiency Needs Canvass” to document all the work that will have to be done to turn our turn-of-the-nineteenth-century triple-deckers into the comfortable and affordable homes we need to survive our increasingly intemperate climate.

We can’t create green jobs till we know what work needs to be done, so on 10/10/10 we’ll be getting to work by canvassing Jamaica Plain and Roxbury residents about what they need to make their homes more energy efficient. Whether its a broken window or a leaky hot-water faucet, we’ll create a list of each block’s potential energy efficiency work and the barriers that residents face in getting this work done. And we’ll have cell phones ready to call in requests for free energy audits.

Gathering new people to the climate action cause as we walk in teams through the Hyde Square, Jackson Square, and Egleston Square areas of Boston, we’ll bring letters for tenants to send to their landlords (and condo residents to their board reps) to let them know about the substantial new grants that are available to low- and moderate-income residents for energy efficiency improvements. Homeowners, co-ops, condo associations, and tenants can all come together to take control of their energy budgets and make our neighborhoods more sustainable and affordable for all.

Please plan to come out on 10/10 (you can RSVP at and on Facebook at And if you want to help with the planning, please join us for the next planning meeting Sunday Sept 19 at 3:30 pm near Jackson Sq. Call 857-544-6846 for the meeting address.